Death During Childbirth

While few parents fear for the mother’s health when she learns she is pregnant, the reality is that childbirth is still risky for many mothers despite years of medical advances in the area. In fact, one out of 2,500 births in America result in the woman’s death. In many cases, these accidents are preventable and the doctors and nurses responsible should be held responsible for their mistakes. If you have lost a family member during childbirth, please call a Chicago medical malpractice attorney as soon as possible.

Complications that can arise during childbirth include hemorrhaging, infections and more. When left untreated, these conditions can often lead to death. While most of these conditions can be monitored for and prevented when they arise, negligence can often turn fatal when the medical staff fails to properly monitor the mother or prepare for potential delivery complications. When this occurs, it is critical your Chicago medical malpractice lawyer has the experience necessary to investigate the incident and prove that doctor or nurse negligence contributed to the death of your loved one.

Our Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyer Can Help You Secure Compensation

Once warning signs appear during child birth, the doctors and nurses involved should act quickly and decisively to take whatever actions are necessary to protect the mother and the child. Common procedures that may be used include administration of drugs, blood transfusions and cesarean sections. If the doctors fail to take any of these actions in the event of a complication or if they do the procedures negligently, they may be responsible for the death of the mother.

Your Chicago medical malpractice attorney can help you claim compensation to cover your loved one’s pain and suffering, medical expenses and funeral costs. He may also be able to help you receive damages for your lost companionship and lost wages from your loved one.

If you have lost someone during childbirth, please call The Law Office of Chicago Medical Malpractice Attorney and schedule a consultation with a top Chicago medical malpractice lawyer.

Attorney Representation in Chicago, Illinois since 1985

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